Monday, April 16, 2012

Secrets of a Song

This past Saturday the couples of my church hosted a marriage conference with Dr. David E. Clarke. He is a Christian psychologist, popular speaker, and successful author and through his Bible-based teaching and therapy he guides people toward healthy lives, marriages, and families. It was such a blessing to have him speak at this event, I know that everyone who there was empowered, motivated and determined to maintain their marriage as healthy and strong as possible.
Living in a society where marriage is not valued and quite frankly; where couples are not willing to fight for their union, makes it that much tougher to go against the current and not become another statistic.  That is why, I am thankful for our Young Couple & Marriage pastors: Ramon and Yudy Nina for constantly bringing great resources to the church that will strengthen relationships of marriages and couples.  We are Pro-Marriage and believe the sanctity of it and value the importance of Family.

The title of the conference was Secrets of a Song and Dr. David Clarke based his teaching on the book of Songs of Solomon. I encourage you to read this book from the Bible, its the greatest love story ever told.  Dr. Clarke was speaking about how to maintain the passion in your marriage forever.  It is often said that after being married for years, having kids, busy schedules, its hard to keep the passion in a relationship.  Why is that?  Because you're so focused on the kids, your work, household chores and a million other things, that your partner is put on the backburner and this becomes a routine that must be broken.

I want to share with you what Dr. Clarke shared with us, which is: Three practical ways to maintain passion in your marriage forever

Passion Principles:

1. MEN: Listen to you woman! We all know women love to talk, right?  Well, men it is important that you listen to your wife, even if you're not interested.  If it is important to her, it should be important to you too.  [Songs of Solomon 2:14] Solomon took time to listen to his lady.  Fellas, take time to listen to your lady.  Dr. Clarke recommends to take private time for your wife, take four days a week for atleast 30 minutes.  No kids, no pets, no tv, no phone And I'll add, No Facebook or Twitter!  Just you and her.  Take advantage of that alone time to talk and to listen to what she wants to say.  She will appreciate it.

2.  WOMEN: Compliment your husband frequently, all the time, always.
[Songs of Solomon 5:10] Solomon's wife complimens him all the time, he feels loved, respected and passion for his wife.  She compliments him physically and also his character. 
Women, compliment your husbands.  It is important for a man to believe that he is special and impressive.

3.  Pray Together:  The secret to a never-ending passion is in Songs of Solomon 8:6,7
The source is the Lord! It's by putting and maintaining God in the center of the marriage.  Pray together as a couple on a regular basis, it will strengthen your bond together as a couple.

We were so blessed to hear this word and although I've been married for less than two years, I know these principles will be helpful to me as it will be to those who are married for 3 months or 30 years.  There is always something to be learned.  Obviously, Dr. Clarke spoke about a lot of other things, I cannot cram two hours worth of information into a blog but I do recommend you to purchase his books.  He is the author of nine books, I purchased three books: Parenting Isn't for Superheroes (for when I have kids), A Marriage After God's Own Heart (it is important to keep God in the marriage), and Kiss Me Like You Mean It (which is the book he was promoting for this conference).  Check out his website for much more information about his work,

I hope this information has blessed and encouraged you to keep the fire burning and the passion in your marriage.  It's never too late to take a step forward in your relationship, as long as both of you are willing to work at it and God is in the mix, all things are possible.

Landy Perez-Feliciano ♥


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