Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Worrying is Pointless

One of my absolute favorite author, speaker, teacher, preacher (you name it & she's it!) is Joyce Meyer.  She is such an inspiration to so many women.. well ok, men too! lol and it's always a blessing to see, hear or read her stuff!!

This morning, I was prompted to read today's daily devotion by one of her books, "Trusting God day by day." I just have to say THANK YOU to my sister for getting me that book last weekend; thus far it's been such a blessing. And not only was I prompted to read today's message but I was lead to share it with a few of my lady friends and I know it was a blessing to them as well.  But it does not end there; I want to share it with you as well. This is just a small part of what it says:

March 19th
"Relax! God Is Working"

If you know you can't fix the problem you have, then why not relax while God is working on it? If things don't go your way, instead of being upset, you can believe that getting your way was not what you needed. God knew that, so He gave you what was best for you, instead of what you wanted. 
If you are waiting much longer than you had hoped to, you can get frustrated, angry, and upset, or you can say, "God's timing is perfect; He is never late.  And my steps are ordered by the Lord." Now you can relax and simply go with the flow of what is happening in your life.  When it comes to things that are out of our control, we can either ruin the day or relax and enjoy it while God is working on the situation.  As long as we believe, God keeps working! -Joyce Meyer

Isn’t it amazing when we can rely solely on God's plans for our lives?  Want to relieve stress?  Want to let go of the pressure?  Let go and let God.  Yes, I know what you're going to say?  Easier said than done, right?  I'm not saying you're going to be able to accomplish it today, sometimes it may take days, months, and years for you to fully let go and trust God completely.  We want to be in control, I get it, who doesn't?  But the more we let go, the more freedom we gain.  Trust God for those things that are out of your control, He always has your back and your best interest at hand.  The more we trust, the less we stress.  The less we stress, the less we worry and the less we worry, quite frankly, the happier we will be.

Studies have shown that there is really absolutely no point in worrying, look at these percentages.

40% of things most people worry about never happen;
30% of what we worry about has already happened and cannot be changed;
22%of what we worry about regards problems which are beyond our control; only
8% of what we worry about are situations over which we have any influence.

Have you ever thought about it?  What is the point of worrying?  It's pointless! You do not resolve anything! Henry Ford said it best: "I believe God is managing affairs and that He doesn't need any advice from me.  With God in charge, I believe everything will work out for the best in the end.  So what is there to worry about."  
Instead of exhausting all of your energy thinking.. thinking.. and more thinking then worrying, stressing and getting aggravated, put your trust in the one who has all of the answers!  News flash: We do not know the future, God does! Trust Him, trust His plan. Trust His purpose for your life. Jeremiah 29:11 says: For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. 

He already knows everything about you, about your life and about your future.  You may not see the big picture today but your vision will be a lot clearer tomorrow.  God will make a way as long as you get out of the way.  Don't worry, Be Happy... God has it ALL under control!
And I want to leave you with this:
Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication , with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. -Philippians 4:6-7 

Be Encouraged, Be Blessed!



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