Wednesday, June 19, 2013

We are nothing without God

As I was reading my daily devotional this morning, I couldn’t help but to share this one with all of you guys. Yes- it's that good! God is so amazing and when we come to realize that we are nothing without Him and everything with Him, our lives begin to make sense and we start to find our true purpose and identity in Him.

{These words come from Joyce Meyer and I hope it blesses your life as it has blessed my life.}

God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong. He chose the lowly things of this world and the despised things- and the things that are not- to nullify the things that are, so that no one may boast before him.
1 Corinthians 1:27-29 NIV

It amazes me that God chooses weak and foolish men and women to work through, but He does. He chooses what the secular world would throw away as trash and consider useless. When God is looking for someone to fill a position or to promote, He often passes over those who will be naturally qualified if they are the type to be proud of themselves and not give Him the credit and glory for their abilities. God works through the humble, but He frustrates and defeats the proud (see 1 Pet. 5:5).

God loves to lift up those whom life has pressed down. You are special to God and He has a promotion in mind for you. He desires that we live amazed at what He can do through a submitted vessel. God is not looking for ability, but He is looking for availability. Humble yourself under the mighty land of God, and in due time He will exalt you and lift you up. Don’t discount yourself from being used by God because of your natural weaknesses or disadvantages. He is more than happy to show Himself strong in those who will trust Him.
Pride comes before destruction, so always remember to give God the credit for any good things that He does through you. Our gifts, talents, and abilities all come from Him. What do we have that He did not give us? Absolutely nothing! Therefore, all the praise goes to Him.
Trust in Him: Even though you don’t deserve it and may not be naturally qualified, trust God to use you for His glory.

Be Encouraged, Be Blessed!      
Landy Perez-Feliciano


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