Monday, September 19, 2011

Hidden Treasures

If someone told you that there was a hidden treasure somewhere; you would go on a scavenger hunt and seek for that treasure, right? Tired or not, you're there looking for what can potentially be yours. You would make  a conscience effort to make your flesh go even if you didn't want too. You would sacrifice certain things or activities to go on your hunt.  Tired or not, you are there! Excuses would not play a role in your quest to finding your treasure.  You are on a mission and that mission will not stop until the mission is accomplished. Why? Because if you don't go out and find that treasure someone else will; ultimately becoming theirs.

The more you seek God's presence, the more He will reveal to you His treasures. He has blessing, abundant blessings for you but they will not come to you that easy. You must dig in deep into His presence in order to find His treasures. They are there for you; at your disposal, you just have to find them.  There are times where we must tell our flesh, "you are going to seek God's presence whether you want to or not" because the spirit is always willing but the flesh is not.  There are times where we just do not have the desire, we are tired and consumed of life's trials. Whatever the deal may, God has one thing on His mind and it is to bless you. Today, I want to tell you, seek because you will receive! The more seek, the more we will find and receive what we are looking for. The Bible says in Matthew 7:7-8  “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened." 

Discover what treasures God has for you today! We can rest assure in His promises that if we seek, we will find. 

Be Blessed & Be Encouraged!

1 comment:

Daphne said...

Thanks for sharing.

God promises to reveal himself to those who look for Him. The biggest blessing He gives us is more of Himself. May that be my biggest desire!
