Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Chase your dreams

I remember a couple years back taking a road trip with some friends of mine to Miami; we were going to this huge event called Expolit. Sammy, Carol and I had so much fun talking, laughing and singing.  As we were listening to music, I kind of heard Sammy throw down a tune or two and I was really impressed! [I had never heard him sing and he had a very good voice] I said: ¡Sammy pero tu cantas! [yes, I said it in spanish] Sammy had a really nice voice and he could sing.  About two years passed when I received the news that he was coming out with a cd, I was so happy for him. He had a dream and he chased it!

Today, he is an uprising latino talent that is spreading God's love to so many people and countries through his music.  Sammy's freshman album is titled: Luz Verde [Green Light] meaning that if God has given you the green light on a certain project or dream, God is telling you GO. It's not time to stop but the time to chase your dreams is now. God has blessed him tremendously traveling all over the United States, Canada, Latin America and South America. He's currently working on his sophomore album and I'm sure it will be a blessing as well.  Samuel Orlando, as he is known will also be going back to Miami not as a spectator but as a presenter and participant of Expolit! Now tell me something, is it not worth chasing your dreams? Of coarse it is! Yes, it will take hard work and dedication but trust me, it will pay off.  You will start to reap the benefits of your hard labor.

You may say that your dreams are too big and you do not see yourself chasing them, but I want to challenge you today to just go for it. If God gave you that dream, then He will give you the means to make that dream happen.  Make sense? God will stick by your side every step of the way; in fact, He will make a way where there is no way.  He will open doors that have been shut, He will bring the people and resources to you so that dream can come to pass.  If your dream involves God and glorifying His name, He has your back 100%, no doubt about that.  I want to bless your life with this merengue song that is on Samuel Orlando's album, its called Confio, [I Trust] and it will just put a smile on your face and make your feet want to dance.  Whatelse can we expect? He is from the Dominican Republic and he had to put a little Carribean music in there.  Hope you enjoy it! For more information on Samuel Orlando's ministry, visit his website:, Facebook: or Twitter:

I encourage you today; as Sammy did, dream big and work hard! When you do this along with trusting and having faith in Him who placed that dream inside of you, God will show up and show off in your life. He will take you to places you never imagined you would be but it all starts with a chase.  Are you willing to not only run but chase your dreams?  On your mark, get set, GO!!!!

Be Blessed, Be Encouraged!
Landy Perez-Feliciano ♥ 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is a beautiful post and it def. touches all of us with dreams. God bless you Landy... keep those encouraging posts coming!
