Thursday, April 17, 2014

What does Jesus mean to you?

This week I went on a quest, asking a simple question yet meaningful question; what does Jesus mean to you? I went on social media in hopes to find out what people really think about Jesus. I was able to capture a few of my favorite answers that I am sure will inspire and encourage you to keep falling in love with Jesus. I want to thank everyone who participated and shared their hearts with all of us.

The next time you feel abandoned and alone with absolutely no strength or hope to continue pressing forward, go back to this blog and read these answers because in Jesus you will find everything you need. You may not be where you want to be but you are where you need to be. You may be going through a struggle but know that Jesus is right by your side, cheering you on every step of the way. Whatever situation you may be encountering know that 'This Too Shall Pass' and that joy comes in the morning. The best is yet to come and God has wonderful plans for you! Do not get discouraged, do not give up, everything you need is found in JESUS!

What does Jesus mean to you? 26 heart-felt responses.

  • What Jesus means to me is a new life. Transformation. Restoration. Redeemer. Jesus is Salvation for all. He is the son of God. Jesus means eternal Mercy, and forgiveness. Jesus means hope. Jesus means life. Savior for all mankind. Endless love. A love of many chances. Jesus means the ultimate sacrifice. Jesus is freedom. –Karla Jiron

  • The reason of my existence, Salvation, Love, Praise and Forgiveness. -Zulma Castillo

  • Jesus = Love personified, my second chance, -Ruthy Rodriguez

  • My support, my rock...the only one I can trust to handle the things I can't handle myself.....My savior, my friend, my healer, the one who can give me peace when my world is torn to bits (like it has been now) Jesus is my everything...I just cannot live without Him.....He gives sense to my world. -Marsha Gomez Hurney

  • He is my best friend! He's been faithful; when no one else was there He was there. He is my rock! He is my everything! -Marsha Capellan

  • He means my salvation in every way, He is everything I need. My loving King who fights for me. -Lucia Parker

  • He is my WAY because He lets me rest in green meadows; he leads me beside peaceful streams. He renews my strength. He guides me along right paths, bringing honor to his name. He is my TRUTH because He is not a man, so he does not lie. He is not human, so he does not change his mind. Has he ever spoken and failed to act? Has he ever promised and not carried it through? He is my LIFE because He is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? He is the stronghold of my life; of whom shall I be afraid? –Millie Perez Gonzalez

  • To me Jesus is like oxygen, the moment you don't have it, you get anxious, desperate, need it to continue living. Jesus, I need him to continue living. -Marcos Lopez Ayala

  • Jesus is my foundation. The foundation of my family, of my marriage, of my very existence. Jesus is God, He represents Grace at its ultimate level, He encompasses every single motive, reason, and purpose to live for. Jesus is enough! Without Jesus I wouldn't be able to go through what we are going through with peace and comfort in my heart and soul knowing that His ultimate will is being done. -Claudia Rivera Vargas

  • To me, based upon his word and actions in the Bible, Jesus means unconditional LOVE... enough to die and save. JESUS is so much to us but it all comes down to LOVE! -Carol Polanco

  • He is big and overwhelming in my life. I love Him lots! –Valerie Inclan

  • Before I would say that Jesus was everything to me but there came a point in my life where I found myself alone...literally. Family was in another city/state, and friends were not there. That is when I realized the place Jesus had in my life was not what I preached. In that dark moment is where Jesus truly became my everything; my father, my best friend, my counselor, my passion. So you ask me now what Jesus means to me and I can honestly, truly and with conviction say that Jesus is my....EVERYTHING. -Naeecha Silva

  • Jesús para mí significa puerto seguro. No importa que tan "preparada" este para ciertas situaciones llámese trabajo, estudios o vida personal, si Jesús no está involucrado en el asunto no me siento segura de mi misma. Jesús dentro de las muchas cosas que representa en mi vida es una parte fundamental de mi persona, como mujer. -Katherine Polanco

  • Cuando me detengo a pesar que significa JESUS para mí. La única palabra que sale de lo más profundo de mi corazón es Amor. Fue su amor el que me rescato, me libero, me restauro y es su amor el que me mantiene viva! y por tanto tengo  que testificar al mundo que el sacrificio de JESUS  en la cruz del calvario fue por amor. -Carolina Flores

  • Único y Restaurador - Frances Rivera

  • Amigo, Fuerza y Esperanza –Estefania Ospina

  • I would say that Jesus is my everything. He is the reason I exist I live for him I breathe because of him he is my greatest advocate he fights my battles I feel a peace and strength that no one and nothing has been able to give me like he has been able to give me.  His name has such a power that when I am feeling at my worst and my weakest just mentioning his name gives me a sense of faith and hope that regardless of what comes my way I can trust in him and trust that he knows exactly what he's doing in my life. He has loved me when I felt unlovable and unworthy. And has made me literally feel his love surrounding me in my darkest hour. -Kathy Perez Gonzalez

  • Jesus is my breath of fresh air. Many times I get caught up in my daily routines and all of my responsibilites, I’m just thankful for that peace I get when I just stop and breathe. In that deep breath I inhale His peace, His love, the reminder that He placed me where I need to be and I exhale all the stress, feeligns of being overwhelmed and heartache. God breathed life into His creation, Jesus took His final breath on the cross for me. I’m thankful for those deep breaths. –M.F.

  • Jesus is my breath of life! He's my strength when I get up in the morning, He's my source of inspiration, my reason to be good and mostly important my HERO! I'm in love with Jesus and His ultimate sacrifice humbles me to worship Him with all in me. -Dafne Gomes Spencer

  • Jesus means peace to me because through Him I have peace and conquer all understanding and misunderstandings too! He also means power so we can see the purpose through. And lastly He means plenty because sometimes we have little or nothing and He gives us spiritual abundance. -Jennifer Morales

  • Jesus is LOVE. He is the only reason I understand what love is. No boyfriend, friend, or family member can tell me they love me if it doesn't reflect that love. -Gloridely Tavarez

  • Jesus means everything to me. He is truly my life; everything I do on a daily basis is surrounded by Him.  He is my Savior, my best of friends. No matter how bad I may mess things up, I know I can always look for Him and know that He is still there for me to lift me up and to forgive me. I cannot imagine a day without Him. He is my love, my peace, my hope. Everything, I mean everything I do, I base it around my relationship with Him. -Yari Wimbush


  • He is the meaning of life. Without Him life fails to exist. He is the true meaning of the word friendship. His name defines grace. He means complete happiness. He is the source of good news. He means everything! –Erik Carrion

  • To me Jesus is my everything. Without him life would not be worth living. He is my friend, my confident, my strong tower, my refuge, my comfort, my hero, and I can go on. Jesus is real and He is here for each of us, best part is He is a gentleman. He will knock on the door of your heart but will only walk in if the door is opened for Him. Jesus is in one word, Perfect. –Erica Canales

  • Jesus is my bride-groom. Gentle, humble and atisfying in every sense of the word. He saw my burdens were far too heavy for me to bear and as the ultimate gentleman He is, He took them upon his own back, continuing to do so today; that we may walk together, me in love with Him and Him with me, for the rest of the days to come. Jesus is simply love. Not just for me, but for all of our world. –Meena Vee

I hope that after reading these responses, your faith is strengthen and your relationship with Jesus is deepened. He is EVERYTHING and if we are here today is because of His love and sacrifice for us. He died so that we can live. And He lives so that we can spend eternity with Him. What a beautiful exchange of selfless love! 
Be Encouraged, Be Blessed!
Landy Perez- Feliciano

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wow thank you so much for this!!!