Friday, November 8, 2013

Beautiful Love

When we think of perfect, flawless love; we are automatically geared to one direction. Only one person can give us unconditional love, God. The Bible says that because God so loved the world, He was willing to give up His pride and joy, His only begotten Son, Jesus. He did that for you? For me? Yes! Isn’t that amazing?!

As humans, we tend to fail and make mistakes; often.. ok, everyday but even though we fall short every single day, God does not hold that against us, His love is unchangeable toward us.  How can He have such an honest, unconditional, patient, untainted and beautiful love towards people like us that are moved by our own circumstances? Today we are happy, so we show abundant love but tomorrow we are upset and we shut down our emotions and show nothing.
Despite our conditions, God’s love is unshakeable and unmovable. He will always love us, when others don’t. He will always be faithful when others fail. He will embrace us when others reject us. He will always have His arms wide open to receive us when we’ve turned our backs to Him. He does not hold grudges; He does not throw our mistakes in our faces, nor does He remember our past. His love is truly sincere and genuine, it doesn't get any more transparent than that. Do you know of anyone who can love so perfectly as God? Moms, Dads, Husbands, Children, Friends can come close but nothing like the real deal; nothings like God’s Beautiful Love.

Today, I encourage you to take hold of God’s perfect love; that love will cast out your fears and allow you to soar high, it will take away your pain in exchange for joy, it will give you peace in the mist of uncertainty, and it will provide security in an unstable world such as the one we live in. His love will guide you to the place you need to be; His arms.

In God you can find a father who will protect you and a friend who will be there for you. You can be completely open and honest with Him, He will not love you less nor will He ever leave nor forsake you. Trust Him and let Him lead you to the place you need to go. With God by your side, you can do all things through Him who strengthens you and the impossibilities become possibilities. Submerge yourself in His love today and you will see the Beautiful things He will do in your life.
I want to leave you with this touching song; it’s called “Beautiful Love” by BJ Putnam. I seriously listen to this song like every day! It shows us how beautiful and perfect God’s love is towards us. We are so blessed to be loved the way God loves us. Thank you Father God for loving us so much that You sent your only Son to die on the cross for our sins. {John 3:16} There is no way to repay you for such a loving sacrifice; the only thing we can say is THANK YOU! I hope this song blesses you as it always does to me.

Be Encouraged, Be Blessed

Landy Perez-Feliciano


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