Thursday, July 3, 2014

Mentor the Next Generation

Hi Everyone!

I know we are all looking forward to the 4th of July weekend, those of us who live in the U.S. As for me, I have a fun-filled week ahead with my husband’s family coming into town from New Jersey, so we are all excited to spend some family time.

Before, we get our party hats on and begin to celebrate with fireworks; I wanted to share this with you all. I really wanted to share my heart with everyone. This is something that I have already shared on my social networks such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram and I also wanted to share it on my blog so everyone to read it.
I am a firm believer of empowering and encouraging others to reach their top potential. I’d like to be known for inspiring, encouraging and blessing others. I want to constantly, not only motivate myself but motivate others as well. I want everyone to excel in their individual journeys, knowing that they too can push past any limitations that may be of hindering. With that being said, sometimes we need a little help and God places people in our paths everyday with the purpose to help us. There will be times where you will need help but there will also be times where you will be that source of help for others.
As youth pastors, my husband and I constantly are working with the younger generation, we realize that they are the next generation and it is our responsibility to lead them, teach them, empower them, motivate them and mentor them. If they don’t get it from us, who will they get it from?
It’s everyone’s responsibility to listen and help these kids who are rising up. You do not have to be a youth pastor to do so, everyone is a leader in their own individual way. You can make a difference in someone’s life simply by caring and genuinely helping them excel in whatever area you are good at. Help them become better.
 This is what I shared earlier on social media and my hope is that you too become encouraged and motivated to encourage and motivate someone who may need your help. It’s not about us, it’s about Jesus and sharing the gifts He has deposited in us-with others! The more you release, the more you receive.

 Invest your time and resources into the next generation. They will remember! That goes for mentorship, leadership, teaching, preaching, music, worship, arts and even business. Whatever gifts you have been given, share the wealth of knowledge to others. Encourage them to be better and do better than you. Ouch! Why? Because you're standing today but guess what? Tomorrow you will be sitting down and they will be standing up, leading just like we are today. How great will it be to leave a legacy of multiplication?! You multiplied yourself unto others. You were not afraid to teach what someone else taught you and have others learn what one day you learned. Take someone under your wing and mentor them to be better than you; because my friends, that is the sign of a true leader: one that can look back and say, I mentored them and they became better than me! Let’s be a generation of sharing, one who spreads the wealth of knowledge. Let's empower the generation that is rising!

Be Encouraged, Be Blessed!

Landy Perez-Feliciano

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