Thursday, February 9, 2012

The HEART of worship

This past Tuesday we had our youth worship night and it was an awesome experience.  Anytime we are able to take time out of our busy schedules to dedicate time to God and worship Him, it is truly a blessing. We had a very good friend of mine who is a worshipper and preacher to bring the word for the night.  She said that the Lord placed in her heart to speak about "The Heart of Worship." Sharon Ayala is her name and she brought a powerful word on "The Heart of Worship."  She says that worship is the evidence of a relationship with God.  In other words, worship is not only the songs we sing but its a lifestyle, its a relationship we develop with God.

The Bible says that out of the abundance of the heart, speaks the mouth and whatever you have stored in your heart; must be externalized, it must come out.  So if you have a heart of worship, it will show.  If you have a heart of kindness and good, it will show.  But if you have a heart of negativity, fear, saddness, hate or any other bad things, it will also show. My question to you is, what is in your heart?  Is it good or evil? Positive or negative? Whatever it is, if it hasn't been manifested; it will, sooner or later.

Having a heart of worship is to surrender yourself completely to God.  Yes, I know its hard to let go and let God sometimes.  Let's face it, we all struggle with it at some point in our lives. But if we know that He holds our world in His hands and He has total control of our lives, why is it so difficult to simply let go?  Surrendering our lives, our ways, our decision to someone who knows what's best, God. Do you trust Him enough with your life?  Do you trust Him enough to let go and let God? If you have a heart of worship; the answer; although difficult, must be YES! When we develop an intimate relationship with our Creator and come to the full understanding that He knows what is best for us, we must trust and believe that the best is yet to come for our lives. 

I encourage you today to dig in deep inside of yourself and tell the Lord, "Here is my heart, it has been broken, its been wounded but I'll give it all to you. I surrender myself completely to you and may Your will be done in my life.  I may not know where my life is headed but you do and I will trust and believe that you have a plan for my life!" YES! You must trust and believe that He has a wonderful plan for your life and it's ok it you do not know it, He does! We live by faith, trust in God and believe in His promises. When we do that, we're ultimately living a life of total surrenderance to God and that my friend, is a HEART of Worship!

Be Blessed, Be Encouraged!

Landy Perez-Feliciano ♥

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Landy this was amazing. You and Sharon hit the nail on the head when talking about the heart of worship. May the Lord continue to bless you and use you through your writing.

Be Blessed