Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Keeping up with the ...

Ever heard of keeping up with the Joneses or the grass is greener on the other side? Why do we often feel as though everyone else has it better than we do? Stop trying to keep up with the Joneses, you're going to drive yourself crazy! There is a spirit of competitiveness that binds you into slavery when you start comparing yourself to others. When you start coveting what others have and you don’t appreciate what you have is a clear indication of ungratefulness. Society has bombarded us with a message of more is better, that the more we have the happier we will be and our standards outgrow our reality. The more the merrier is a false illusion in which we set ourselves for failure. Place your feet on solid grounds and let go of the unrealistic expectations.

Your freedom begins when you surrender your desires to God and become content with what you have. Don't misunderstand me now, I am a firm believer that we should all strive for the best and never settle for less. BUT when you are content with what you presently have you can live and enjoy the moment while you work hard and strive for better. We miss "the moment" all too often, we never really enjoy the present because we're either stuck in the past or too busy making plans for the future.  Take some time and savor your "now" moment. Many people put forth too much energy on what what they do not have rather than focus on the blessings they do have. Remember this; before God can bless you with the more, you have to be faithful, content and appreciative with the less.

Thank God for what you have and for what you do not have. If you don't have it, it's simply because you don't need it. Sometimes we confuse need with want where we think we need something when in reality we don’t.
God has given you everything you need in order to accomplish your task. Yes, someone will always be better than you, someone will always have more than you, someone's life will seem more appealing than yours but it will not faze you because you've learned that nothing in this world can make you happy but God. The stronger and closer your relationship is with God, the more content you become with what you have. Why? Because you have placed your trust in the Source- in your provider who will supply all of your needs according to His riches and glory. God’s grace is sufficient- it's really more than enough. When we learn to be content in whatever our circumstances are then we are able to live life fully. His grace will fill in the gaps; his grace will provide fullness, a fullness that will over exceed your expectations.                                                                                                    {Read Philippians 4:11-13,19 and 2 Corinthians 4:9}

Next time you look to your neighbor and desire to have what they have or desire to do what they do, think of God's grace! He's given you the wisdom, capacity, talents and resources to achieve God's purpose in your life. Whatever you lack, his grace fulfills. Grace meets yours needs!

So stop hopping onto your neibors grass thinking it’s greener than yours to only find dead weeds. Stop keeping up with the Kardashians who have their own issues!!  Stop keeping up with the Joneses and every other families you see that are “doing well”. Keep up with the Holy Spirit, that’s who we should all strive to keep up with.
The Holy Spirit will release His grace upon your life and that is more than enough to make you a conquerer  and obtain victory. When you're in need, His grace will never fail and will never run out.  And the beauty of all of this is that we can ALL keep up with the Holy Spirit without feeling threatened because His grace is more than enough for each and every one of us.  He is ready to pour out grace until it overflows. Who are you keeping up with?
Be Encouraged, Be Blessed!
Landy Perez-Feliciano

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