Thursday, July 25, 2013

Released 2013, the interview

Last week we were celebrating our yearly Youth Camp and it was such a blessing! Everyone is still talking about the impact it made in their lives. Over 600 young people from the state of Florida and Georgia gathered together for a week to fellowship, engage in sports and most importantly, receive word from God. This year's theme was: Released! And I have set a short interview with the Southeastern Youth Regional Director, Ramon Nina.

1.       Tell me a little bit about yourself?  Yo (Ramon Nina) naci en la Republica Dominicana en el 1974, por la gracia de Dios desde niño le sirvo al señor. Estoy felizmente casado con Yudy Nina y tengo dos hijos preciosos Zavier y Zarielly Nina. Por mas de quince años he estado envuelto en el ministerio de la enseñanza y el liderazgo de la juventud, en la iglesia local como pastor de jóvenes y en el concilio de la Iglesia de Dios  como director de distrito y como director de sector. Actualmente,  sirvo como Director de Juventud y dicipulado de la region Sureste Hispana de la Iglecia de Dios;  y tambien como presidente de Verdad Presente Ministries un ministerio donde  Yo sirvo al reino como predicador y conferensista, tambien soy el director del Instituto Biblico Berea.  Tambien soy coordinador de la Florida del ministerio de plantacion de Iglesias de la Red de Multiplicación.  

2.        Why was “Released” the theme for this year’s youth camp?  Porque estando en un estado de “Libertad” y entendiendo esa libertad que hemos tenido en Cristo es que podemos alcanzar y conquistar todo lo que Dios tiene para nosotros.

3.       What expectations did you have for camp 2013? El llevar a los jóvenes a tener una experiencia con Dios y que los distritos al compartir junto en los Teen Talent y los deportes, puedan lograr una mejor unidad y amistad.

4.       In Your eyes, what was the highlight of camp this year? Para mi fue el despliegue de talento que nuestros Jóvenes pudieron demostrar por medio de sus diferentes participaciones. El ver a los jóvenes sirviendo a Dios en el Campamento con sus dones y talentos para mi fue lo mas importante.

5.       If you had one message to give to the youth what would it be?  Jesus es lo mejor que te puede pasar en la vida. conocerlo a El, es el mayor conocimiento que tu puedas tener. Vivir en El Por El y para El es la mejor manera de vivir una vida realizada y Feliz.  La vida y el futuro de la Juventud esta en El.  Say Yes to Jesus over all things!
Awesome huh?! Well, it doesn't stop there! I spoke to a couple of youth pastors, leaders, musicians who attended this year's camp and check out what they had to say!
What are the youth leaders saying about Released?
  • This year at camp I saw lot of improvements, new leaders and a new passion for greater things for God. {Fernando Botero, Musician, from Miami}
  • Our church of God camp was beyond amazing! It was a blessing that marked our lives, greater things are yet to come. Young, Free & Released. {Karla Jiron, Worshiper, from Miami}
  • Our COG Youth Camp 2013 was a week full of God’s tangible power upon a youth that attended hungry for His Presence. The Holy Spirit showed up and showed out! {Sabrina Yudith, Youth Pastor from Miami}
  • You could see the results of genuine fellowship from the youth where they were ministered by other's similar experiences and breakthroughs. {Jairo Peña, Musician, from Miami}
  • As my first time as counselor, youth camp gave me a new perspective of serving others, leadership, and teamwork.{Angel Marcial, Youth Pastor, from Orlando}
  • God's manifestation produced a life changing experience! {Erik Carrion, Youth Pastors, from Port. St. Lucie}
  • How God will wrap you in his arms to the point you feel as if your in a whole diff world. {Josh Fernandez, Youth Leader, from Tampa}
  • I'm behind the scenes for the majority of camp so my camp experience is always different.  God has a purpose for each person that steps into camp and throughout the week you get to see His plans begin to play out.  From the campers to the staff, in one way or another their lives are changed. Bonds are formed between old and new friends, troubles are left at the altar. {Michelle Ramirez, Youth Camp Staff, from Tampa}
  • Worth it. If all the work and sacrifice is done for the transformation of only one youth it is all worth it. {Juan Carlos Diaz, Senior Pastor & Youth Leader from Georgia}
Released 2013 was such a blessing that marked the lives of every single youth and adult that were present. They were released to be free, to love, to conquer and to go after their dreams.  Let's continue to motivate and encourage the young people of this generation to do great things in the kingdom because God has released so much in them, it's time to put it in action. Until next year's youth camp!!
Be Encouraged, Be Blessed!
Landy Perez-Feliciano ♥

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