Monday, July 29, 2013

Never forgotten

See, I have written your name on the palms of my hands.
{Isaiah 49:16}
I love reading this verse because it’s a constant reminder of God’s love for us. You know what it is for God to write YOUR name on HIS palms?  That’s a big deal!
I remember writing a lot of things on the palms of my hands when I was younger, many were good, others were not so good, but that word, phrase or sentence served as a constant reminder because that information was important. No matter how many hours passed by or what type of activity I was doing, I could always look at my hand and see what I had written.  What is written is never forgotten.
And thinking of this verse, it serves as a reminder that we are not forgotten, God has written our names on the palms of His hands.  He has given us an identity by giving us a name.  We do not have to walk in shame, anger or bitterness because we have been restored and destined to fulfill our purpose. Forget about the past and everything that has happened and focus on what lies ahead in your future.  It doesn’t matter who let you down or who hurt you, you are special because your name is engraved, it’s tattooed in God’s hands. Just think about that for a minute.. (think) … (think) … how awesome is that?!!!

Yea, maybe you’re not the most popular person in your crowd but God has your name tattooed on His hands. There may be others who are “better qualified” than you but your name is engraved on His hands. Many may look down at you and not value your worth, but whose name is imprinted on God’s hands? Yup- yours!!  Talk about having a piece of artwork, your name on God’s hands!!! And if He’s like most of us Latinos, we tend to use our hands a lot to communicate, so we’re constantly looking at them because it’s always in our face; then just imagine how often God is looking at your name on His hands!

I’m here to tell you today, as we say goodbye to one month and welcome another one, all in the same week; you are special! You are not forgotten. Maybe you had a rough past but I want to remind you that your past will not dictate what your future will look like. Your name has been written, engraved, imprinted and tattooed in the palms of God’s hands-that’s how important you are.  Give yourself the worth that God sees you with.  So, every time you look at yourself, just know that your name, your life, your future is secure because He holds it together in the palms of His hands. Everything is going to be alright!

Be Encouraged, Be Blessed!
Landy Perez-Feliciano

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