Thursday, August 1, 2013

Fast Forward to your Future

This past Tuesday I was speaking to the young adults about Fast Forwarding to the future, to their future. And we did a fun exercise which was to fast forward ten years into the future and everyone was to inform their fellow classmates what they were doing in their lives. From that point on, we were no longer in 2013 but we were in 2023. It was fun to hear everyone's experiences, many were already married with kids, others were full into their professions. A lot of them were traveling the world, preaching  or singing and just fulfilling their purpose in life.  For those few minutes, it almost seemed like everything that was being said was true! Right before my eyes were successful and fulfilled men and women who were once (10 years ago) in a small group class in which I was teaching. It was so real!! Why did we do this exercise? Because I wanted everyone to realize that what they profess, has power.  What you declare and decree over your life, that is what you will see.  We were declaring that we will see ourselves in those positions. Our declaration has to be aligned with God's declaration. Our words has to be connected to the word of God. God wants Jeremiah 29:11 to be fulfilled in our lives. He has a beautiful future in-store for us, a future where we can find hope in Him. He has a plan and as long as we walk along side with Him, He will lead us straight to that beautiful path He's created for us.

I want you to also go on that journey with me as my students did. Once you start to imagine it and declare what you will be doing and where you will be going in ten years... let me tell you, you will get there! If you believe and declare it, don't you be surprised when 2023 comes along and you're right where you said you would be. 

Ok, here it goes...!!!!

Prepare yourself to go on a ride with me tonight, a journey in which you and I will get to experience without any limits or hesitation. This ride will be quick but will mark the beginning of something great that is about to happen in your life. Are you ready? ARE YOU READY?

Close your eyes tight.. Because when you open them up again, you will be 10 years older than what you are now. If you are 23 you will be 33. If you're 33, you will be 43. When you open up your eyes, you may be married with kids already, you may be a professional working in your career, when you open up your eyes, you will be exactly where God intended you to be; FULFILLING YOUR PURPOSE. You will no longer be walking towards your purpose; you will be in your purpose. You no longer have to pray for God to use you, God has already been using you, you no longer have to ask what it is that He wants you to do, you will have already discovered it and you will already be doing it. Take a few moments to picture yourself 10 years from now. What are you doing? Who are you? Many people sitting here today, as in 10 years ago, haven’t seen you in a couple of years, you are about to meet your former classmates, small group, youth group, church group and you will be filling them in as to what has happened in your life over the last 10 years. Are you a failure? Did you not do anything with your life? Are you one of those that just come to church day after day, week after week, year after year and hasn’t fulfilled anything? OR are you one that took very seriously what was said to you 10 years ago in a class called: “Fast Forward: your future” and you’ve achieved great things?

In 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5…. 5 seconds until you are 10 years older and you are about to step into your Young Adults 10 year Class Reunion and you will inform and fill everyone in on your life. You should have your goals, aspirations and dreams all figured out, right? You’ve had 10 years to figure it out and make a big impact on your fellow classmates.  What are you up to today? What is your status?

5, 4, 3, 2, 1….Open your eyes!!

Welcome to YOUR FUTURE, we have Fast Forward time to take a stroll not through memory lane but through future lane.

Hi, my name is Landy and most of you knew me as a pastor’s daughter and youth pastor along with my husband. We’ve been happily married for 13 years. We have 2 kids, they are so adorable!! I’m working fulltime in ministry, traveling a lot speaking to large crowds in Women’s Conference and I will always have a sweet spot for the youth so I do a lot of speaking engagements to the youth as well. I’ve written several books already, both Spanish and English and it’s blessed so many people!! By the grace of God and His favor, I’ve met incredible people that have helped me in my ministry. I also own a few businesses; God has prospered me and blessed me financially so I can bless people who are in need. I’ve appeared on television worldwide bringing a message of hope and restoration. It hasn’t been easy but I have seen each and every promise that God has made to me, ever since I was young.  I remember being single and staying in prayer services and just waiting for my husband to come and he came. I remember God speaking to me about how he was going to bless me and how he was going to open doors for me, and I can see it now. I remember speaking to the youth week after week, Tuesday after Tuesday and sometimes thinking, is it worth it? Are they getting it? And my husband and I would pray for the youth and it’s so rewarding to receive letters and phone calls from those who were in our youth group, testify to us that God fulfilled His promise to them. And they would say, Landy Josh.. it was true, everything you guys said.. God is faithful! I thank God for his love, mercy, favor, grace. And I know the best is yet to come!!

One thing that I can tell the young people of this generation? Before I leave, I want to tell this upcoming generation, yes.. the generation our children, you guys are all teenagers now, 10 years ago, I had a group of young people sitting here, I was sitting where you were and yes we had big dreams but didn’t know how it was going to happen and I remember I would always say, just keep believing, keep being Faithful to God and He will be Faithful to you. Many times it was tough, but I promise you if you stick to the word of God and His promises, just like I told my students 10 years ago, YOU will see God’s blessings over your life. Declare it, it will happen! I chose to believe the word of God over my life, and God honored it, now you have to believe what God had promised over your life so you too can see it come to pass.
(Now it's your turn!)
I hope this exercise helped you! (I know you couldn't close your eyes because you had to read it but you got the jist of it, right?)  Remember the sky is the limit and only YOU can detour God's purpose in your life. Your dreams are God's dreams deposited inside of you so the bigger you dream, the better for God because He has an opportunity to come through for you in extraordinary ways. I challenge you to dream big, God is up to the challenge. Your wildest dreams are a piece of cake for God. That is why, my friends, dream big because God has a big future ahead of you. Are you ready for 2023?
Would love to read your comments!! Xo
Be Blessed, Be Encouraged!
Landy Perez-Feliciano ♥

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