Tuesday, August 6, 2013

The power of Words

I love to read devotionals because I receive a sense of empowerment and encouragement that no matter what I am going through, everything is going to be ok. We can all relate, I'm sure. The simple thought of knowing that things may have slipped from our control but nothing slips God is comforting. He has and will always have control over everything in our life! And something that I have told myself repeatedly is that words are powerful. The words that come out of your mouth have power to bless or curse, it has power to shift a negative atmosphere to a positive one. Your thoughts are translated into words and those words have power to bring forth change. Need a change in your life? It starts with your declaration. Make sure that your words coincide with the results you want to see. The bible says "Keep this Book of the Law [word of God] always on your lips; meditating on it day and night [your thoughts], so that you may be careful to do everything written in it [obedience]. Then you will be prosperous and successful [God's blessings]. {Joshua 1:8}

I came across this awesome word from Dr. Cindy Trimm and I wanted to share it with you. I know it will bless and encourage you!!

A certain cleaning brand has a new series of commercials that are really powerful! Have you seen the ads where people are blindfolded and asked to describe what they smell? In each instance, they are brought to a place overflowing with garbage, dirty socks, or rotting food. But, in every case, the blindfolded test subjects have a pleasant response, saying it smells like the ocean, clean laundry, or tropical breezes. 

In each of the commercials, we're promised that this wonderful product has the ability to transform the environment from disgusting to delightful; that no place is so odiferous that a few sprays of this amazing cleaner can't make it pleasant again. 

Whether you believe the product claims or not, it does provide a great parallel for what you and I can experience in our lives. You see, you are likely to find yourself in places that aren't always pleasant. Maybe you're dealing with stress or conflict on the job. Maybe your home has become anything but a place of peace and rest. It doesn't have to stay that way!

You can neutralize the negative effects of what has taken place in your home and in your business by what you put into the atmosphere. You have been empowered by God to infuse His Presence, His Promises, His Provision, and His Protection into your environment. You have the power within you to change your surroundings - wherever you are - into a place of peace and prosperity... because GOD is within YOU!

In fact, you can initiate the change you want through the power of your words. Job 22:28 states that you can decree a thing and it shall be established. The power of blessing and cursing, even life and death, is in the words you speak.

It's time for you to take authority with your words. Put them to work FOR you instead of against you by declaring your home and business blessed!
Powerful words by Dr. Cindy Trimm, huh? I encourage you to not say what you don't want to see, but declare [speak] what you want to see happen in your life, in your family, in your situation. Your words, when aligned with the word of God are powerful and life-changing. I will leave you with this verse, "For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edge sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. {Hebrews 4:12}
Be Encouraged, Be Blessed!
Landy Perez-Feliciano ♥

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