Thursday, August 15, 2013

Let it cook!

I'm so  happy to introduce my friend, Justin Moore as my guest blogger for today. He is a young man that is doing great things in the music industry and impacting a lot of lives through his passion for music and God. He has a great word that I believe will bless your life today!! Thank you Justin for blessing us with this word!!
Being the bachelor that I am I often eat out and consume an abnormally large amount of TV dinners. Considering the fact that I cannot cook that well, the microwave is one of my best friends. In fact, the other day I was RUSHING to get ready and leave the house for a gig and in my haste I was attempting to cook and get ready at the same  time.  I decided to “cook” a.k.a. warm up, a yummy chicken pot pie by Marie Calendar; YUMMY!! I grabbed it out the freezer and flipped it over to look at the directions; microwave time was like 5 minutes and the oven time was like 45 minutes. Contemplating on what decision to make, I looked at the clock and realized  I had a MAXIMUM of one hour before heading out. I was a bit stressed because I still had to shower, iron my clothes, load up my musical equipment, get dressed, and gas up my truck… Yea! A lot to do but then I thought to myself, if I put this meal in the microwave, the chicken will be super chewy and rubbery. The crust would be soggy and moist, making it a less than enjoyable experience. The oven; however, tends to cook the meat slower and very thoroughly, making it juicier. This process makes the crust crispy, crunchy, and golden brown; just perfect!! YUMMY!! At that moment, I decided that I would put the meal in the oven and be patient enough to wait because I wanted it to be delicious and enjoy my dinner! 
God wants our blessings to be delicious and just right so that we can enjoy its excellence. Because we live in such a "microwaveable ' society, we expect God to have the same mentality and “pan out” our lives in such a way. In the day and age we live, today in 2013 there are phones that can send videos and pictures across the world in a matter of seconds. You can scour the internet through thousands of databases in a fraction of a second with a Google search. And in the microwave you can cook things in a fraction of the amount of time that it would take on a conventional stove. So, what am I trying to say? It’s safe to say that we are in an age where we expect things instantly.
Well, unfortunately success does not work that way nor does God work that way. Now of course, you have your exceptions, there are rappers who get multimillion dollar deals overnight and you have some people who have been lucky enough to hit it big with the lotto.. But for the other 7 billion plus people on the planet, things probably will not pan out "overnight ". Success is a journey not a destination. It’s a process not a place. I think so many of us have the idea that success will happen quickly and if it doesn't, we tend to get discouraged.
The bible tells us that the race is not given to the swift or the strong but to the one that endures till the end. We have to remember that God is Omniscient so He knows exactly what we need and when we need it, in HIS own timing. Often times He will withhold a blessing because we have not yet developed the character that it would take to maintain such an endowment and that we would more than likely squander away such good fortune. He is the Author and Finisher of our Faith. God knows where we are and what we can handle. Be patient and persevere! Trust in HIM. God will always honor His word. 
Justin A. Moore
Record Producer, Musician, Songwriter
Reality TV co-star Mary Mary

For more information on Justin,
visit him at:

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