Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Musician's mindset

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Today, I have a special interview with someone who is doing big things in the Christian music industry as a bass player, musical director, producer and instructor. I met Danny through my husband Josh, who are really good friends from their home state, New Jersey.

I hope you guys enjoy this blog interview as much as I did. If you are a musician, worshipper, producer or just love music, Danny's answers will inspire and encourage you to continue to do great things for the kingdom.


1. Tell us a little bit about yourself?

My name is actually Daniel Julian Hernandez. I was born in Fajardo, Puerto Rico. I was raised in New Jersey, but spent all my summers in Puerto Rico. My dad and all my uncles are all musicians and my sisters sing so I was surrounded by music all throughout my childhood.

God has blessed me with a beautiful family; my wife Jennifer and my baby girl Alyssa Grace. We live in Orlando and are active members of City of Life church in Kissimmee, FL.

2. What is something many people do not know about you?

I am often told that I look like a very serious person. Although I am when I need to be, I'm actually very silly and love to laugh and joke around. In fact, most of my friends say I talk too much!

3. If you were not in the industry, what would you be doing?

Before I went into music full-time, I actually worked in finance. I started off as a teller and worked my way up to Branch Manager of a bank in NJ so I'd probably be doing something in finance.

4. Do you play any other instruments besides the bass?

I started off playing drums in my church when I was 5 yrs old. I picked up the bass when I was about 13 or 14 and then went on to play piano. I fell in love with bass and went back to it and focused on that. However, I still enjoy playing drums a lot!

5. How did you become a musical director for Ingrid Rosario and Christine D’Clario?

Well, I met Ingrid Rosario awhile back when I lived in NJ through a band called TruDestiny that I used to play bass in. I always stayed in contact with Ingrid and Tony, her husband. In 2007, I got married and decided to move to Florida. During that time Ingrid needed a bass player to help with a few events because the bass player at the time was transitioning. I did those events and to God be the glory, the rest is history. I've been her musical director for a few years now and I also thank her very much for the opportunity she gave me to co-produce her most recent album Pasion. It was really a great experience working alongside her on that project.

With Christine, we actually met at church in Orlando. We were part of the worship team and became great friends. When God opened up the doors, she and her husband Carlos asked if I wouldn't mind helping them out. I happily agreed and have been working together ever since. Working with Christine has been really incredible and it’s an honor to work with her and the entire team.

I thank God every day for the incredible blessing of not only worshiping and lifting the name of Jesus all over the world, but also for the wonderful experience to do it alongside these truly anointed women of God.

6. What has been one of your most memorable highlights in the ministry?

It would honestly be impossible for me to just pick one. Anytime you see lives being changed by the power of God and the hope of Jesus it truly is an amazing experience. Whether in a packed stadium, my home church, or a small event with just a few people, it is always such a humbling experience to be used by God to expand his Kingdom.

7. How to you balance your personal, family and ministry life?

This is always a challenge because you don't really have a set schedule, but for me I make sure to make time for my family. I spend a lot of time out on the road so my priority is to spend as much time with my family when I'm home. We go to church together; we go to the park, the mall, and anything else we can think of. I really enjoy serving at my church as much as I can and not just playing in the worship team. I try to get involved in other areas that involve community outreach whenever possible.

8. What is one of the biggest challenges about being in the ministry?

I think that one of the biggest challenges about ministry is sacrificing time. Holidays, birthdays, and special occasions are often missed due to being on the road and that sometimes is a little rough although the reason is very rewarding.

This may be a little controversial, but I feel like another big challenge we face often in ministry is the spirit of competition and entitlement among worship leaders and musicians. This I feel limits what God wants to do with this generation. If we would just humble ourselves more, I feel like we would see a move of God like never before in a time where our world, including most of our own communities, need God and the hope of Jesus desperately.

9. What is one goal or dream you would like to reach?

Something that has been in my heart for some time now is to not do things just to do them, but instead do things with purpose. That everything I do makes an impact in God's Kingdom and the expansion of the Gospel.

10. What advice can you give someone who wants to get in the music industry as a musical producer?

For starters, pray. Put all those dreams and desires in God's hands. He opens doors and opportunities that we could never open or get ourselves. Secondly, learn as much as you can and never think you know it all because you don't know it all and never will. Learn to take constructive criticism and seek the counsel of those more experienced. Always keep a good attitude and stay humble and keep God first always.

11. How would you like people to remember you?

I would like people to remember me as a person who loved God with all his heart and surrendered everything in worship every opportunity he got no matter the stage. As a person who loved his family tremendously, loved to help people as much as he could anyway he could and a person that lived grateful to God for all his blessings.

Thank you Danny for blessing us with your words of wisdom!!

For more information about Danny Hernandez and his ministry, connect with him through Facebook and Twitter. and

Be Encouraged, Be Blessed!
Landy Perez-Feliciano ♥


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