Tuesday, November 26, 2013

'til the end

Job was a just man before the eyes of the Lord, his integrity and loyalty to Him was unbelievable; yet we see Job enduring the toughest trial of his life. He lost his riches, his children, and his health; he lost everything but never cursed God! Wow, if that isn’t something admirable, just imagine his situation for a minute. One moment he had everything and the next, he loses everything! His wife was in utter disbelief and rightfully so, beyond upset. She was grieving the loss of her children, let’s not put all the blame on Job’s “ungodly” wife, she was enduring some serious pain here! Nevertheless, Job is able to maintain his belief and trust in the Lord 'til the end. He came to this world naked and will leave naked, everything He had ever possess came from God anyways, let His name be glorified- yes! Job said this!

Many of us will never have to go through anything similar to what Job went through but in life, we will be faced with situations that will shake up our faith and cause doubts and confusion. It is in those moments of despair where God is paying attention to how we will react and the things we will speak. Do we worship God when everything goes our way? Are we buddy buddy with him when we get our questions answered, when he blesses us with what we want, when He gives us our heart’s desire? What happens when we don’t get what we want? When we lose what we have? When not so good things begin to happen in our lives? Will our trust be strong enough 'til the end?
Though He slay me, yet will I trust Him. {Job 13:15} was a clear affirmation that Job was not budging, he was not doubting, he was not lingering in two thoughts (should I trust or should I not trust). Job was convinced that despite anything that could happen to him, his trust will continue to be in the Lord at all times, even 'til the end. That is some deep stuff right there! Though He slay me! In other words, God can kill me right now; I will continue to trust Him. Though He never heals me again, I will continue to trust that He is Jehovah Rapha, my healer! Though He never gives me back what I lost, I trust that He is Jehovah Jireh, my provider. Job was not shaken by his circumstances, His faith was set on solid ground- unshakeable, unmovable, nothing and no one will change his mindset. He trusted God 'til the end.

When we trust in God and we truly believe that our lives are under His almighty hands, controlling every move- then we can trust that no matter what happens, all things will work out for our good. (Rom 8:28) Job worshipped God during the hardest time of his life, his wife and friends didn’t understand why Job would stick by God but Job had a deeper understanding. He knew God, He knew who He was! You cannot trust someone you do not know, right? After getting to know the person, then you can build a trustworthy relationship. Job knew God; therefore trusted Him with His life. And when you trust, you have peace, you know that person has your best interest in mind. Job knew that God loved him and wanted the best for him and in the mist of trusting God in the process, he worshipped Him as well. The bible says that God was pleased and gave Job back everything he had lost (times two) yea, there was some multiplication involved! Double for his trouble!! Job became the richest man in the land, with beautiful children and he lived a healthy, prosperous life.

God multiplied his riches and his blessings! And I truly believe that some people are being tested right now, God is allowing certain things to happen in their lives, but it is a test to see if you can pass with flying colors. Satan wanted God to test Job and He accepted the challenge. Was Job serving God because he had everything, a family, riches and a healthy body or would he curse God the minute everything was taken away from him? My friend, I want to tell you that Job passed the test! Not once did He curse God, in those moments of anguish, he still managed to worship His creator; with or without clothing, family, and health. And at the end of it all, we see a double blessing pour out unto Job’s life. God is faithful to those who are faithful to him. He will bless those who are loyal and stick by His side, trusting Him in every way, 'til the end.

Today, I encourage you to trust! Though you feel like you’ve reached the end of your rope, trust! Though you feel like you will give in, trust! Though you feel like giving up, trust! Trust in God, He will make a way where there is no way and will give you the necessary strength to endure what you are going through and in due time, you will see how He will lift you up and place you on solid ground. Continue to trust because to those who love God, all things work out for good and God is in the mist of working something out for your good. Keep trusting... 'til the end!

Be Encouraged, Be Blessed!
Landy Perez-Feliciano
Photo credit: Grover Sanschagrin




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