Friday, November 22, 2013

Respond with Faith

Our faith is tested on a daily basis; some on a higher scale than others but nevertheless, we all go through seasons of tests in our lives. In order for Abraham to be called “The Father of Faith” there were a series of tests he had to pass. His faith; ultimately, is what brought him to a place of blessing where God’s promises in him were fulfilled.

We all have and will continue to encounter seasons in which we will have to “step out” with no evidence of an assured outcome other than God’s word. Situations will arise and you will not see a clear picture but will have to take that leap of faith and rely on that word that God gave you. You may not understand the process but you will understand the outcome; that God is Faithful and His promises are yes and Amen!

It is in those times that we have an opportunity to allow God to stay true to His word and for our faith to grow. Hebrews 11 says that it is “impossible to please God without faith” and that He’s a “rewarder of those that come to Him in faith”. Faith is vital; it is a key component in our relationship with our Lord and Savior. The more we practice faith, the stronger and easier it becomes, think of it as a muscle in which we exercise.

In times of uncertainties, confusions and pain, God will whisper peace, clarity and strength and you’ll respond with faith. You may not know where life is taking you, but God will clear out the clutter and make a way where there is no way. You will walk on the right path that will lead you to where God wants you to be. You will not know all of the answers; you will not need all of the answers, just knowing that He is by your side, leading your steps is more than enough to feel secure and protected.

Listen carefully for that small still voice of God today that is whispering to you and respond with faith knowing that “He will make a way”.

Be Encouraged, Be Blessed!

Landy Perez-Feliciano
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