Tuesday, April 1, 2014


The first quarter of 2014 is over.

Today we embark a new quarter, a new month, a new day. Looking back on the first three months of the year, how would you evaluate it? Are you proud of your accomplishments? Did you set short term goals and meet them? It’s important to acknowledge small achievements and celebrate your progress, even if it’s one step at a time. Why? Because you’re one step closer to where you envisioned yourself to be. No one can desire it more than you. No one can see the vision as clear as you can. No one can want it more than you. People can help carry out the vision for you, they can assist you in accomplishing your dreams but ultimately it falls on you because the dream is yours not theirs. Everyone has a place they’re trying to get to, everyone has a destination assigned to them, and everyone will be focused on their individual journey.

So, as we enter a new phase of the year 2014, I ask you to re-evaluate your life and where it's headed. Ask the core questions that will give you clear and concise answers, because those answers will shed light in areas that are still darkened with doubt and confusion. Have the mindset of a champion that is focused and determined to make it to the end victoriously. Only you know how far you want to go. Only you know where you’re meant to be. We all have a purpose in this life and God is the one who reveals and pin points every detail of our lives. If you’re in sync with Him, you’re on the right path to living a purposeful life.

Beware of the roadblocks and detours that will try to redirect your path. Your path may be under construction and you may have to be redirected into an unfamiliar path but if you’re tuned in and focused to what God has for you, then you will arrive to the right place, at the right time and the right people will be waiting for you. Otherwise, you will end up lost, perhaps in a remote area or even in a place where you do not fit because that's not where you are suppose to be.

When in the correct path, be in expectation of what lies ahead, for God has prepared your grand arrival. You will not have to seek others; they will have already know of you and will be waiting with open arms for you. Everything you need will have already been provided. All of the resources and connections will be at your disposal and granted to you. All you need to do is arrive!
When we are obedient to the voice of the Lord and we walk in His perfect will and not ours, these treasures are made available to us. Psalm 37:23 declares that a man's steps are established by the LORD, and He takes pleasure in his way. Proverbs 16: 9 says that we can make our plans, but the LORD determines our steps. And Proverbs 20:24 states that the LORD directs our steps, so why try to understand everything along the way?

I say all of that to say this, our life is not our own, to God we belong. Our steps are ordered by Him, our plans are to be submitted by Him and our lives are to be directed by Him. He is the orchestrator of it all. When we are obedient to His ways, His path, and His future for us, we become victorious and successful in all that we do, and everywhere that we go. The bible says that He takes pleasure in the steps that He establishes for us because He is so excited for us to see His grand plan for us. Can you imagine, following God’s lead and at the end, when we reach the place where He intended us to arrive at, He’s like: “ta-ra… This is what I had planned for you all along!” I can only imagine because our thoughts are not His thoughts and if I think BIG, He thinks B.I.G.G.E. R. !!!

Trust His Ways • Trust His Path • Trust His Promises

Be Encouraged, Be Blessed!

Landy Perez-Feliciano




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