Monday, March 26, 2012

Believe to See

I'm sure we've all heard the phrase: "You must see to believe." Well, today I want to talk about "You must believe to see!" Sounds funny, huh?  But its true, for those who believe in Christ and walk by faith must first believe and then they'll receive their miracle, and then their breakthrough will happen, then the blessing will come.  You must believe to see!

As I was preparing to for a women's conference this weekend, the Lord was bringing me to the story of Lazarus in the book of John 11:1-45 [when you have time read it, it will bless your life] I started to visualize in my head what was going on in this scene.  We see that one of Jesus' good friend, Lazarus was sick and the news got to him.  He knew what was going on but Jesus made a powerful declaration in verse 4 that said, the sickness would not end in death, it is for God's glory so that God's Son may be glorified through it. What did this mean?  This meant that God had everything under control.  He knew the circumstances, He knew what was going on, He knew the condition that Lazarus was in but He said this would not kill him but Glorify God.

I don't know if you are understanding what God is trying to tell you today?  God has your life under control.  Oh, but you don't know what I am going through, you may ask.  I don't need to know, as long as God knows, then you're in good hands.  Just when you think you are at your breaking point, God shows up in your life in a miraculous way, why?  To glorify Himself in your life and in your situation.

This story continues developing and Lazarus indeed died, it had been four days since his death.  And Martha, his sister could not understand why Jesus was not there, wasn't he his friend? His death could have been avoided if Jesus would have shown up on time, right?  Remember, God had other plans!  He had a better plan! We read in verse 40 where Jesus says, did I not tell you that if you believe you will see the glory of God?  In essence; Jesus is telling her: If you believe, you will see my glory!

Many times, God allows things to "apparently" get to rock bottom, He allows things to get to a state of "impossible" so that He can make them possible!  The word of God says that there is nothing impossible for God! But it will only happen to those who choose to believe.  Jesus arrived "late" [or so they thought He was late] so He can create a miracle!  But we know that Jesus never arrives late, He is an on-time God, we just tend to think He's late when we do not see things when we want to. Jesus not only wanted to heal Lazarus from his sickeness, He wanted to do something greater in his life!

God wants to do something greater in your life then what you are expecting Him to do. Do not limit Him! He is greater than that. You may think, its too late for your situation to change or for things to be shifted around  in a positive way for your life.  But I am here to tell you that God is stirring something up in your favor, yes, for you! He wants to do something greater than what you could have ever imagined it to be. 

Today, I encourage you to trust and believe in God, in His word and His promises over your life! Do not get ancy, do not attempt to "resolve" things on your own, because you will ruin the plans God has for you.  Be patient and wait on the Lord, He's never too early, never too late; He is always on time.

Be Blessed, Be Encouraged!

Landy Perez-Feliciano ♥


Bellaliz12 said...

WoW! ...That's all I can say... God used you to put me back in track. God bless you Landy.

LandyPF said...

Praise God, keep ur faith up! =]