Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Season of Singlehood

I love to encourage the Singles because I know it can be a difficult time in their lives. Trust me, I know!! Lol. Although, God has blessed me with a wonderful and loving husband, I still remember what it felt like being single and waiting for “the one”.

The wait may be frustrating but it will be gratifying. When we commit to leave all of our needs, wants and desires to the Lord, He will grant them to us- the key is to delight ourselves in Him. The more you indulge in God’s presence and enjoy your time with Him, the closer you are to meeting the desires of your heart. Read Psalm 37:4,5. I remember in my time of singlehood, this was one of the verses that I held near and dear to my heart and it helped me in my journey.
If you follow me on FB or Twitter you will see that I always post/tweet encouraging messages to the Singles.  It’s important for me to let all my single friends know that God has your best interest at hand.  He know what you need, His desire is to give you nothing but the best.  Sometimes we want to settle because we feel time is ticking and we want to take matters into our own hands. Big Mistake! When we surrender our time to God, who is timeless, we will then understand that He is always on time. One thing is for sure; He is never too early, never too late, he is always right on time.
My advice to you, and this comes from someone whose been there! Be patient and wait on the Lord. Easier said than done, huh? I know but I can speak out of experience- it's worth it! He has not forgotten about you and is about to give you the biggest surprise of your life, don't ruin it by "trying to help".  Continue to be faithful to Him, serve Him wholeheartedly; seek Him first- involve yourself in His kingdom and you will see how invested He will be in your life. And most importantly, enjoy every season of your life to the fullest because seasons come and go, you may be at the end of this one and about to start a new one very soon.  Ladies and Gentlemen, enjoy your season of singlehood!
I will leave you with five truth quotes that will encourage you as you wait for your blessing!! – (Quotes are courtesy of The Single Woman)

1. Fellas, make your intentions known and clear. Don't lead her on if you have no intention of following through.

2. God, if it's not meant for me, I don't want it. Give me the courage to let it go and wait for what's mine.

3. To cling to the one who is not meant for you is to delay the arrival of the one who IS. #LetGo

4. Remember: You are a CATCH. And a catch is worthy of being pursued, wooed, chased. Not just settled for!

5. Singleness is the most exciting, confusing, breathtaking, wildly unexpected, insanely courageous time of life. Enjoy it.
Be Encouraged, Be Blessed! 
Landy Perez-Feliciano ♥

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