Tuesday, June 25, 2013

The Success Creepers

I felt in my heart to share this with you and I hope it encourages you to keep on keeping on. We all struggle with insecurities and frustrations that do not allow us to progress in whatever we have set our minds to do or in whatever God has called us to do. It is important to remember that we are humans and we have feelings. Even the greatest and most successful people have their fair share of not so good days. Let’s face it; someone will always be stronger than you, better than you, more successful than you but that’s not the point. Congratulations to them! The big questions is, are you happy with yourself and are you confident with what you can accomplish despite what others may say or do? Everyone has a purpose in life and has been called to do something great. 

Today, I want to talk about three things that will always try to creep up on you to deflate your spirits and discourage you from succeeding. It will try to disturb your peace but don’t let it get to you because it can become a nightmare.

Ok, so what are these nightmares? It's what I call, The Success Creepers.
WMF {Weakness, Mess-Ups and Failures}
Your weakness is an opportunity for God’s strength to show up.  The bible says that in our weakness we are made strong because of His power. It also says that we can do ALL things that strengthen us, how? Through Christ! Don’t be afraid to show your weakness because when you’re weak, you really are strong!

Your mess- ups are lessons learned in this journey called life. We all make mistakes! The bible is full of great men of God who make mistakes.  The important thing is to not dwell in our past but look forward.  The past is there to remind us of the lessons we have learned but our goal is always to look ahead, because it is in the future where we can see our greatest dreams accomplished. Look and move forward!

Your failures allow you to fine-tuning and perfect your success. Look at it as a big puzzle that you’re trying to solve and that puzzle is your life. You’re trying to see the big picture-hence reach your purpose in life. Failure is simply placing the wrong piece to the puzzle, it won’t fit. You have failed to put the correct puzzle piece in its proper place. So what do you do? You pick an alternative piece and try to find the one that will successfully fit.  Do not get discouraged when you try something and fail, it simply means there is another way of achieving it so you must find the correct one. Try again and again and again!

In life, different obstacles will try to creep up on us to discourage us from reaching our goals, they creep up on us when we're on the verge of success.  And their sole objective is to deflate our energy, strength, enthusiasm, our vision and our dreams. Don't allow it! Embrace your weakness- great opportunities arise when we allow God to take over and become our source of strength. Recognize your mess-ups, learn from it and move on. And don’t get discouraged with your failures, it’s a matter of trial and error, if it doesn’t work one way, keep trying, you’ll eventually get it- you’re bound to find the right puzzle piece.

Be Encouraged, Be Blessed!                                                                         
Landy Perez-Feliciano  ♥



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