Thursday, October 10, 2013

Just a little tighter

While I was in NYC this past weekend, I came across the news that two of our beloved church members, one of them being a family member of mine had passed away. This has been a rough week, having to go to two back to back funerals has not been easy. And to have to find out in last night’s funeral that another beloved church member passed is just heart breaking. Our church family is definitely mourning these wonderful people who will be terribly missed.

In the mist of grief, I can’t help but to hold on to my loved ones just a little tighter, hug them just a little tighter, kiss them just a little tighter. Situations such as this, definitely puts everything into perspective and helps you prioritize your life a little better. Questions such as: What’s really important? Should I be dwelling, breaking a sweat, consuming my time and energy on this, that and the other? What is really important in life is my question to you today.
For me: God, Family, and Friends. Having a constant relationship with my Lord and Savior who assures that His peace surpasses all understanding and that no matter what whirlwind of emotions may be rushing towards me- He is my peace! My family is my core, support group. They keep me grounded and show unconditional love. We all need family because family sticks with you in good times and in bad and no one will be as loving and accepting as your family. Friends keep me happy, free spirited and alive. True friendship is hard to find but when you have a group of people who you can call friends, you feel on top of the world. With God in your life, you are able to experience true joy and happiness despite what your current situation may look like.

Today, I want to encourage you to think about what’s important in your life? Maybe you think your career is the most important thing right now, maybe its school or even trying to reach your dreams. Those are all good and I often speak about being assertive and chase after your dreams but make sure the main ingredients are always present: God, Family, Friends. It’s very sad to reach a level of success or “happiness” if you have nobody to share it with. It’s heartbreaking when you’re going through a storm in your life and you have nobody to turn too. We should never feel alone; celebrate with people, mourn with people.

What do your priorities look like? Who or what is on top? If it doesn’t look like this: God, Family and Friends then it’s time to make some changes. Tonight when you see your husband and kids, hug and kiss just a little tighter. If your parents are alive, that is a blessing in itself, tell them how much you love them and give them the biggest squeeze ever! Tell your siblings how much of a pain in the butt they are but that you wouldn’t trade it for the world! Send your friends a quick message saying how much you appreciate their crazy friendships. Tell God how much you love Him! Tell the whole world how love should abound and hate – well… get out!

Life is too short, I know we have all heard that and it’s become pretty cliché but when death hits home, it brings a whole different meaning. Cherish your loved ones. We are here today and gone tomorrow. James 4:14 says” How do you know what your life will be like tomorrow? Your life is like the morning fog—it’s here a little while, then it’s gone.”  Lets make the best out of the gift of life that has been given to us; it’s time to appreciate it instead of always complaining about it. Let’s encourage and inspire those around us and may our legacy continue to live even after we have left this world.

Be Blessed, Be Encouraged!
Landy Perez-Feliciano

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