Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Power Source

For those who know me, I’m always on my phone or my iPad doing something. My important notes, messages, studies are on those devices; a lot of the chapters written in my book are documented in there. I write my blogs many times on my iPad, an idea or event often comes to life because I jot it down on my phone (real quick)…What am I trying to say? I use electronic devices a lot; it’s a powerful and practical tool that makes my life a lot easier. Thank you Apple, thank you Siri.. Lol

It’s funny because sometimes I freak out because I’m running low on battery and I feel the need to charge my phone or iPad now, not in ten minutes, not in two minutes but NOW because I am losing power. Just like we look forward to plugging in our devices every night to make sure we have a full charged battery for the next day, we should also be as eager to plugin with God through prayer.
Prayer is power! Your place of prayer is your place of power. God is our power source and in order to feel fully recharged every day, we must pray every day. You can have all of the resources, be the best in your field, the most creative and talented person but if you do not plug yourself to the power source, which is God, you are slowly dying.  Just as a phone or any other electronic device has vital information and is very useful, if it’s not charged, that information becomes useless.

We all should look forward to our prayer time; it’s our time to connect with God. It is through prayer that we receive revelation and direction from our power source. With each prayer we say, God revitalizes us and our battery percentage goes up until we are fully charged. Through prayer we receive power because The Almighty Powerful One lives in us and is manifested through us. Prayer gives us power to conquer and to believe that ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE.

I encourage you today to stay connected with God through prayer, if you find yourself running low on battery, plug in. Only prayer can connect you to the power you need to keep alive.
Be Encouraged, Be Blessed!                                                                                                                         
Landy Perez-Feliciano ♥



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